Traditional Bolognese Ragù 390g
Traditional Bolognese Ragù 390g
Bolognese ragù (called ragù par excellence in Bologna, ragó in Bolognese) is an authentic masterpiece of the Emilian culinary tradition. Our Bolognese ragù is appreciated for its rich flavor due to the careful choice of quality ingredients and long, slow cooking. This process makes the meat incredibly tender and gives the sauce a perfect consistency for seasoning pasta or lasagna. Traditionally served with egg tagliatelle, our ragù also goes well with other types of pasta and with polenta, the poor dish of the past. Taste our Bolognese ragù and close your eyes to rediscover the smells, flavors and atmospheres of the Bolognese countryside of a distant time.
Manzo, maiale, prosciutto, pomodoro, carote, cipolle, dado vegetale, sale.
Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto, lontano da fonti di calore.
Dopo l'apertura, conservare in frigorifero e consumare in tempi brevi.