Bolognese Sfrappole


  • 500 g 00 flour
  • 20 grams butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 dl orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • salt to taste
  • qb peanut oil or pork lard
  • qb icing sugar


  1. pour the 00 flour into a fountain shape on the pastry board. Add a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 eggs, the softened butter, 1 deciliter of fresh orange juice and, if you like, 2 tablespoons of brandy
  2. start mixing everything first with a fork then, when the eggs have absorbed the flour, you can continue by hand
  3. knead the ingredients well, working the dough for a long time, until it is smooth and soft
  4. form a ball, wrap it in cling film and let it rest for at least 30 minutes
  5. roll out the pastry as thinly as possible with a rolling pin and cut strips about 1.5 cm high which will be rolled up to form a spiral when you throw them into the boiling oil or, if it's easier for you, cut rectangles of pastry and make small incisions inside with the blade of a knife
  6. fry the sfrappole, a few at a time, in plenty of peanut oil or boiling lard, turning them halfway through cooking: they should be crunchy, but still light in colour
  7. remove them from the pan and drain them on a sheet of absorbent paper
  8. sprinkle them with plenty of normal icing sugar or, if you like, with vanilla icing sugar.


  • the dough strips must be very thin
  • sfrappole can be stored for several days in a dry place
  • you can replace the brandy with another liqueur of your choice (for example, anise).

A traditional Bolognese dessert, perfect for a snack or as a dessert to pleasantly conclude a lunch or dinner.

Enjoy your meal!