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Cantuccini with almonds

Cantuccini with almonds

Regular price €7,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,50 EUR
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Enjoy your relaxing moment with our delicious almond cantucci, an Italian classic reinvented with passion and craftsmanship. The high-quality almonds blend harmoniously with the sweetness of the pastry, giving an unforgettable taste experience with every bite. Perfect to enjoy dipped in your coffee, in a glass of vin santo or to nibble on their own, our almond cantucci are the ideal choice for those looking for a sweet moment of authentic and genuine pleasure. Delight your senses by giving you a unique experience with every bite.



fraina di grano tenero tipo 0, zucchero, mandorle, uova fresche, burro, lievito, amido di frumento


Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto, lontano da fonti di calore.

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Variant Variant total Quantity Price Variant total
250 g
250 g
€7,50/ea €0,00